Starts that don't shine

Humans, the most powerful beings that have set their feet on this planet, not due for their shape, but for their genial minds that have put them above all the others.

These ones came to the world in fragile bodies but managed to manipulate things to their own advantage. During their existence, humans have been using their precious treasure to build monuments, castles. They have created efficient communication systems, technology, which stored the knowledge over the centuries. A remarkable existence that not even time or nature could erase.

However, in spite of having built great things, they have ruined themselves with their selfishness, they let their ego steal all the light within. Along with their huge empire, they dared to produce guns that killed themselves and others. They have built walls of limitation and painted them with the blood of inequality. Yes, the inequality looks like a screaming scarlet.

In the human eyes the dark and the light dance a dangerous fight. On the stage of humanity, hate competes with love in an unbalanced equilibrium. War and peace, tragedies and good news, hunger and plenty, rich and poor, evident contrasts forced to coexist during the history of humanity.

And no matter how much we wish things to be different, the reality can’t be unheeded or denied, we have become stars that have lost their light. We've done that by losing humanity.


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